Itchy Eyelids?  It Could Be Mites!

Itchy Eyelids? It Could Be Mites!

David Burgett

One of the causes of eyelid, itching and dry eyes is actually a mite!  Your eye doctor can see evidence of these critters using the biomicroscope, and may prescribe an eyelid wipe formulated to kill them.  According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, “On average, mites have a three-week lifespan, and hygiene is critical for interrupting their life cycle, said Dr. Tseng. ‘Mites...

Itchy Eyelids? It Could Be Mites!

by David Burgett

One of the causes of eyelid, itching and dry eyes is actually a mite!  Your eye doctor can see evidence of these critters using the biomicroscope, and may prescribe an eyelid wipe formulated to kill them.  According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, “On average, mites have a three-week lifespan, and hygiene is critical for interrupting their life cycle, said Dr. Tseng. ‘Mites...

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Vision Disorders In Children

Vision Disorders In Children

David Burgett

From an eye doctor’s perspective, it’s both amazing and a little scary to think of how many children have undiagnosed vision problems that are sight-threatening. Refractive errors (the need for glasses) or small eye turns in children can lead to permanently reduced vision if left untreated. One condition called strabismus, (known as eye turn or lazy eye) can be so slight it may...

Vision Disorders In Children

by David Burgett

From an eye doctor’s perspective, it’s both amazing and a little scary to think of how many children have undiagnosed vision problems that are sight-threatening. Refractive errors (the need for glasses) or small eye turns in children can lead to permanently reduced vision if left untreated. One condition called strabismus, (known as eye turn or lazy eye) can be so slight it may...

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Regular Eye Doctor Appointments Keep You Healthy

Regular Eye Doctor Appointments Keep You Healthy

David Burgett

The eyes are the window to…your body! When Dr. Burgett looks in your eyes, he is able to detect if there are signs of eye disease, but also certain systemic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, systemic infections and autoimmune diseases. Sometimes the eye doctor may be the first to diagnose signs of a systemic disease even if you don’t have any...

Regular Eye Doctor Appointments Keep You Healthy

by David Burgett

The eyes are the window to…your body! When Dr. Burgett looks in your eyes, he is able to detect if there are signs of eye disease, but also certain systemic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, systemic infections and autoimmune diseases. Sometimes the eye doctor may be the first to diagnose signs of a systemic disease even if you don’t have any...

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Damaging effects of digital devices on our eyes – and what you can do about it

Damaging effects of digital devices on our eyes...

David Burgett

Exciting changes in glasses technology are happening fast. Do you remember what your cell phone was like 5 years ago? Similar advancements in glasses make our lenses lighter, stronger and last longer. But sometimes there is a negative side to quickly changing technology. These days we all are looking at digital screens (phone, tablet, computer monitor and TV) for over 6 hours a...

Damaging effects of digital devices on our eyes...

by David Burgett

Exciting changes in glasses technology are happening fast. Do you remember what your cell phone was like 5 years ago? Similar advancements in glasses make our lenses lighter, stronger and last longer. But sometimes there is a negative side to quickly changing technology. These days we all are looking at digital screens (phone, tablet, computer monitor and TV) for over 6 hours a...

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